Saturday, February 13, 2010

A momentary flashback

Saturday afternoon.
Post lunch phase.
A clear monotony in the making.
To defy that ever increasing monotony of regular chores I try to sidestep. But nothing comes to my mind. So went to fourth floor roof just to hang around for sometime before evening beats the day. Believe me it was good. I wandered from one corner to the other just to see what is happening as I don't have any specific stuff to finish in that course of time. I fixed myself to one corner from where the road was visible. The noise was coming, not of the cars and bikes that passed by but of the woodwork that were going on at the adjacent building which was in its last phase of standing up. Blaring mikes were also heard from the white temple decorated with red and green triangular flags connected by a string. Groups of children were playing cricket and 'catch-catch' in a small vacant area very hard to call it a field. In this ever increasing brick forest the possibility of finding a field is slowly becoming zero. But that's not the point. The point is I fixed my eyes to the cricket match that was going along nicely to its peak of excitement with wickets made from broken slabs and bat discovered from woodwork shambles. This put me in a momentary state of flashback when after returning from school I used to roam around in our garden just to find three pieces of similar sticks big enough to convert them into wickets. And after successful discovery the play began...... We used to play till the ball was visible to the batsmen or as long as somebody from home showed up just to remind me that I would be late for the tuition that evening. The tuitions were not that bad and I really enjoyed them. I ad lot of friends coming there and we used to chitchat there when sir was busy watching the news on doordarshan. We used to talk any thing under the sun... right from the last century Sachin scored to the latest movie released.. to the latest cycle any of our friends bought to the smartest arithmetic problem we encountered in class. Things and events continued like that for some time. And then the division bell rang....
Friends started choosing the different directions that were available.... classmates and tuition batchmates got changed. This rippling effect continued and I found myself entangled in stuff that take could take me forward and one fine day I found myself packing my bags for a new life called hostel and things for me changed dramatically from there. I can recollect whatever happened from that day onwards till now.... but this half an hour rooftop experience and the flashback thereafter reminds me of time machine which can probably take me to the place I was thinking of and then try my hand at one round of batting....but alas!....I came back humming ...."give me some sunshine... give me some rain... give me another chance I want to grow up once again"


Bhaskar said...

Get married buddy! It's high time.

Unknown said...

ha ha good one!!!